Enabling the Future of Compliance and Workforce Management
Enabling the Future of Compliance and Workforce Management
Enabling the future of work
Talent Clouds allow clients to manage and engage with their contingent teams through interactive software in real time.
Enabling the future of work
Talent Clouds allow clients to manage and engage with their contingent teams through interactive software in real time.
Further Education Provider - Case Study
A Sixth Form College based across Essex with approximately 4,500 students. It specialises in educating and preparing students for careers in the Health and Education sectors.
With the College growing, it faces the challenge of ensuring the safe and swift recruitment of staff, with the increasing need to start new staff members quickly. With a rising proportion of its students going into placements in the Teaching and Social Care sectors, the College faces the challenge of collecting relevant documents from its students so compliance checks could be completed quickly.
Talent Clouds’ cloud-based digital platform has allowed the College to make its compliance processes more efficient and standardised. The cloud-based nature of the platform means that information on a candidate can be saved and returned to later. Utilising digital checks has limited errors and reduced the turnaround times for DBS and other checks.
Through the use of our digital, cloud-based platform, the College has saved valuable time and money through reduced manual processing hours and cost savings through increased efficiency and reduced error.